Helping you tell better stories

Helping you tell better stories;

closer to your vision than you ever dreamt possible.


"I can't recommend Robin TJ Kershaw's script consulting services highly enough.  It's extremely rare that someone has the combination of high level structural vision and micro attention to detail.  Not only did Robin and I have hours of conversations about theme, tone and structure, he also undertook scalpel-like precision in a word-by-word analysis, making sure that everything hangs together.  As a bonus, he helped revise the one page synopsis, which was crucial in attracting a high-caliber director to sign on to the project."
 – David Grover, Writer & Producer

"Robin's many years writing and developing scripts has given him a keen insight into all aspects of screenplay tone, genre, style, structure, character, plot, action and dialogue. He is skillful in the various development stages: log lines, premises, synopses, outlines, treatments and rough drafts. Robin's wit offers off-beat originality, his sense of comic irony is second to none. He has a keen understanding of dramatic tension, and most importantly, a thorough knowledge of the market for films. Recommended."
– Yvonne Deutschman, Director & Producer 

"Fundamentally what I want from a script consultant is fast, honest feedback that enables me to move on to the next draft. This is exactly what I receive from Robin TJ Kershaw. 
"Robin provides that vital role of trusted fresh eyes, quickly identifies any structural issues with my screenplay and then backs this up with constructive advice for the next draft. 
"Robin provided script consultancy on my latest feature film script > redacted < over the course of 2011. His insightful feedback has been extremely helpful in moving from an early concept to a solid final draft. I highly recommend Robin as a script consultant."
      – John McDermott, Screenwriter